Our Aim Is To Construct Houses With Utmost Quality & Beyond Expectation

The primary goal of WT Construction Tiruvannamalai is to deliver the house to customers with utmost quality and beyond their expectation. The ethics of the WT Construction is retaining the standards pursue, robustness, efficiency, and durability. There is a Tamil saying “Kalyanam panni paar, veeta katti paar” as per the statement constructing a house and arranging a marriage are extreme jobs to deal with. We know how much pain is involved in both the processes, so we honor our customers’ emotion and always strive hard to deliver the quality work on budget and on time.

Our Mission

high quality

To perform high quality construction services at fair and market competitive prices.

customer satisfaction

To ensure customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes.

high professionalism

To maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honestly and fairness in relationship with our customers.

Affordable price

To perform for our customers the highest level of quality construction services at fair and market competitive prices.

WT Construction makes connections only with the customers who are behind the Pure. Building construction has several stages, each stage treated equally to bring Stellar Results.

Our Packages