
steps to calculate the number of bricks in a building and wall room?

  • admin
  • April 19th, 2023

Choosing the right number of bricks is one of the most challenging parts of building a brick structure. If you order too few, your project might be delayed; if you order too many, you will be wasting money. In addition to brick costs, masonry structures can quickly add up when excess bricks need to be disposed of.

Calculate the area of a single layer brick wall by multiplying the length by the height. For the number of bricks you need, multiply the area by 60, and then add 10% for waste. Basically, that is the answer, though the brick size can also vary depending on the type of construction.

Wall Types

Half Brick Thick Wall

Walls made of half bricks have a width equal to one brick. Bricks are laid horizontally, exposing the stretcher side. This type of wall can be used as a facade on the exterior of a building and can also be placed on top of a solid interior wall in order to provide additional stability to the structure. No load bearing or structural use should be made of half brick walls.

Due to their limited structural support, freestanding half brick walls can also be a safety concern since they are more unstable the higher they are. Masonry can be wreaked havoc by heavy winds that cause it to crumble to pieces.

One Brick Thick Wall

A wall that is one brick thick is as wide as a brick's long edge, which is 215mm. A stretcher course alternates with a header course between two different layers. In a stretcher course, at least two bricks are laid in each direction with the long edge of the brick facing outward.

This increases structural integrity significantly by exposing the short side of the bricks during the header course. It is recommended to build walls over 600mm tall with one brick thick bricks. In order to build a one brick thick wall, 120 bricks will be required per square meter.

Brick Pier

Piers, or pillars, are vertical structures used to strengthen masonry walls. The most common use of piers is as support structures, but they can also be used to hold garden gates, carry beams for pergolas, or as decorative elements for walls.

Since piers are freestanding constructions, your wall might need several piers. Two end piers are needed for a half brick freestanding wall. In addition to your end piers, you may add an intermediate pier for half brick thick walls exceeding 4 meters.

For a brick pier, an additional 14 bricks will be needed for each vertical meter, while for a brick and a half pier, 34 bricks will be needed. Your final calculation must take into account these measurements.

Surface Area Calculation

The next step is to determine the surface area after selecting the type of wall and the number of piers. This can be determined by measuring the structure's length and height.

Using the length and height of your masonry structure, calculate the surface area. For example, if you are constructing a wall measuring 12 meters long and 3 meters high, its surface area will be 36 meters square. Please keep in mind that you should only include measurements for the wall, as you should calculate the piers separately.

Brick Calculation of Wall & Building

Initial Calculation

By multiplying the surface area measurement by the type of wall you are building, you will get the dimensions of your wall. Your wall's brick requirement will be determined by this. Considering 60 bricks per meter square, a half-brick thick wall with a 36 meter square surface area would require 2160 bricks.

If there are any additional extras, such as piers or waste, please include them. For example, if you have two freestanding single end brick piers at 3m tall, you will need 84 bricks more.

Wastage Calculation

When bricks are moved or unloaded at construction sites, they are often damaged, and brick cuts may not go as planned.

To get more details, go through the following video tutorial.

In order to account for possible situations, there should be approximately 10% waste. Having extra bricks on hand is essential even if you do not use them all.

Final Calculation

Brick wall quantity: 36 meters square x 60 bricks per half brick = 2160 bricks + two single brick piers: 3m of vertical height x 14 bricks = 84 bricks + 10% waste = 224.4 bricks = total 2468.4 or approximately 2469 bricks.

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